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You’ll need to have Arduino installed from this point forward. You can grab the most recent version of the software from Arduino’s downloads page ( Check out our Arduino installation guide (Windows, Mac, or Linux) for help installing the IDE.
When you connect LilyPad Arduino USB board to you computer via the usb data cable (assuming the battery is connected) and slide the switch to “CHG” mode, you should see an red LED light up, to indicate the battery is charging. When the switch in the ON position, the microcontroller receives power and the board runs.
Before you can upload code, there are a few settings to make. Notice that “Board” is correctly set as “LilyPad ArduinoUSB”. To change that, go to the Tools menu, navigate to the Boards dropdown, and select LilyPad Arduino USB.
Visit our kookye website to download the example code we’ll be using in the tutorial. Open it, and then uploading the code, by clicking the right-pointing-arrow-icon button. Give Arduino few seconds to compile the code, and then a few more to upload. The following code is for your reference.
Click here to download:LilyPad_Night_Light_Pennant.ino
–LilyPad Light Sensor Trigger – Automatic Night Light
This example code reads the input from a LilyPad Light Sensor compares it to
a set threshold named ‘dark’. If the light reading is below the threshold,
three LEDs will turn on and a tri-color led will change the color.
Light Sensor connections:
* S pin to A3
* + pin to A5
* – to –
Tri-color LED connections:
* R pin to 11
* B pin to 10
* G Pin to 9
* + Pin to 3
Connect an LED to pin 2
// The dark variable determines when we turn the LEDs on or off.
// Set higher or lower to adjust sensitivity.
const int darkLevel = 50;
// Create a variable to hold the readings from the light sensor.
int lightValue;
// Set which pin the Signal output from the light sensor is connected to
// If using the LilyPad Development Board, change this to A6
int sensorPin = A3;
// Set which pin the LED is connected to.
int led = 2;
int RGBled = 3;
void setup()
// Set pin 3 to use as a power pin for the RGB led
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
// Set sensorPin as an INPUT
pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);
// Set LED as outputs
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// Set pin 9 as outputs, turn on and turn off the green led
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
// Set pin 10 as outputs, turn on and turn off the blue led
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(10, LOW);
digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
// Set pin 11 as outputs, turn on and turn off the red led
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(11, LOW);
digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
// Set pin A5 to use as a power pin for the light sensor
pinMode(A5, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(A5, HIGH);
// Initialize Serial, set the baud rate to 9600 bps.
void loop()
// Read the light sensor’s value and store in ‘lightValue’
lightValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
// Print some descriptive text and then the value from the sensor
Serial.print(“Light value is:”);
// Compare “lightValue” to the “dark” variable
if (lightValue <= darkLevel) // If the reading is less then 'darkLevel'
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // Turn on green led
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
else // Otherwise, if "lightValue" is greater than "dark"
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // Turn on red led
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(10, LOW);
digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
// Delay so that the text doesn't scroll to fast on the Serial Monitor.
// Adjust to a larger number for a slower scroll.
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