Mecanum Omni Direction Wheel Robot car


Mecanum Omni Direction Wheel Robot car

Mecanum Omni wheel is a very powerful wheel technology which allows robot car make omni-directional movement( parallel shift to left and right).

In this project, we will show how to use Arduino to control an Osoyoo Brand Mecanum wheel robot car.

OSOYOO UNO board or MEGA2560 board fully compatible with Arduino UNO/Mega2560 x 1
OSOYOO V1.0 Wifi Shield x 1
Mecanum Wheels x 4 (2 left-wheels and 2 right-wheels)
GM37 Stepper Motor x 4
OSOYOO 4-channel motor driver board
Chassis x 1
HC02 Bluetooth Module
screws and jumper wires
18650 battery x 2
battery box x 1

Circuit Connection:

Motor wire connections:

Motor 4-channel motor driver
Front-Right wheel Out 1(red)/Out 2(black)
Front-Left wheel Out 3(red)/Out 4(black)
Rear-Right wheel Out 5(red)/Out 6(black)
Rear-Left wheel Out 7(red)/Out 8(black)

Motor Driver to Arduino connection

4-channel motor driver Arduino
front ENA D5
front ENB D6
IN1 A0
IN2 A1
IN3 D7
IN4 D8
IN5 D11
IN6 D12
IN7 A2
IN8 A3
Rear ENA D9
Rear ENB D10

Bluetooth Module pin connections:

Bluetooth module Arduino
B_TX UNO board D2 or MEGA2560 D19
B_RX UNO board D4 or MEGA2560 D18

Arduino Software download:

Mobile APP:
Go to your Google Play or Apple APP store and search APP name “OSOYOO imitation driving”, Download the APP as following and install it in your smart phone.


How to play:
Power on the robot, and open APP.
1)Click BT Search Button to connect APP to HC02 device

2)Click Engine Switch to start/stop the car

3)Click Speed +/- button to accelerate or reduce speed

4)Rotate the mobile phone to change direction(steering wheel will rotate while you are turning the phone).

5)click Gear button to change gear to Forward or Backward direction.

6)press F1 to Shift to left way, F5 to shift to right way, F3 to make clockwise rotation, F4 to make count clockwise rotation.

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