Sometime you want to adjust the length of tracks as per your needs. The tracks can be disassembled with thimble or the sharp tool, but it need to take effort strongly as shown.
Please visit the following link to see the video:
This tutorial is to teach you how to use the ESP8266 wifi module and expansion board to make the robot smart car walk.
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Nut 有3个LED灯用来指示其工作状态
状态灯颜色 | Nut状态 |
浅蓝色 | 启动 |
红色闪烁 | 配置模式 |
黄色闪烁 | 更新固件 |
绿色闪烁 | 尝试连接网络 |
蓝色闪烁 | 尝试连接云平台 |
白色闪烁 | 已连接云平台 |
Nut 有2个按键
Nut 工作模式分为 BootLoader 模式和应用模式,MODE键在不同工作模式下操作会进入不同的工作状态。Nut 上电后工作在应用模式下。
给Nut上电或者复位后,Nut 状态灯为浅蓝色,此时按下 MODE 键后 Nut 会进入到BootLoader模式下,继续长按 MODE 键直至状态灯出现以下颜色后释放,会进入对应的工作状态。
MODE键按下时间 | 状态灯颜色 | Nut工作状态 |
0-3秒 | 无变化 | 无变化 |
3-7秒 | 红色 | 保留 |
7-10秒 | 绿色 | 恢复默认固件 |
10-13秒 | 蓝色 | 保留 |
13-20秒 | 浅蓝色 | 恢复出厂设置 |
20-30秒 | 熄灭 | 回到按键之前的状态 |
>=30秒 | 黄色 | 清除参数 |
上电后 Nut 会进入应用模式,长按 MODE 键一定的时间直至状态灯变为相对应的颜色后释放,Nut 就会进入相应的工作状态,其关系如下所示:
MODE键按下时间 | 状态灯颜色 | Nut工作状态 |
0-3秒 | 无变化 | 无变化 |
3-7秒 | 红色 | 进入或者退出配置模式 |
7-10秒 | 绿色 | 恢复默认固件 |
10-13秒 | 蓝色 | 保留 |
13-20秒 | 浅蓝色 | 恢复出厂设置 |
20-30秒 | 熄灭 | 回到按键之前的状态 |
>=30秒 | 黄色 | 清除参数 |
1) Benefit to register IntoRobot
IntoRobot Cloud server has many convenient services and resources to help DIY geeks to develop their IOT project. It allows register user to program code online with an Arduino-like GUI IDE, burn your code into MCU boards remotely and use free Mobile APP to control your board.
In order to take advantage of IntoRobot Cloud resources and services, you need to register a FREE account
2) Register IntoRobot account
In your browser, go to . If you don’t know Chinese , switch the language dropdown menu (in the bottom of home page) to English.
In the top-right corner, click Login ,then click Sign up now, you can easily register a new account. You will receive an activation link in your registration confirmation email or txt message. Simply click that link and your registration will become activated.
After registration, you can login to your intoRobot control panel as following:
3)IntoRobot Mobile APP
IntoRobot cloud support iOS and Android APP which can control your MCU board from your cell phone. Right now only Chinese version APP is available, English version will be released very soon.
In your IntoRobot online control panel, click Documents ->其他资料下载’ , click Android or iOS link to download the APP(you may need to allow to support third party APP in your cell phone setting). Run the APP and login with your IntoRobot account .