This tutorial is to teach you how to use the ESP8266 wifi module and expansion board to make the robot smart car walk.
Parts and Device:
1x ESP8266 wifi Nodemcu ESP-12E modules
1x ESP8266 wifi expansion board(L293D)
1x Robot Smart car with 1 motor and power box
2×18650 batteries
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Buy it from amazonUS, Please click the following link:
Robot Smart Car Platform Metal Stainless Steel Chassis
ESP8266 Wifi NodeMcu Module + Motor Drive Expansion Shield Board L293D
Download the Flash_download_tools zip file–flash_download_tools_v3.4.4
Download the Lua version (Nodemcu、Doit ESP8266 development board)—Download the APP named Doit Car on app store
Upzip the file named Flash_download_tools zip on your computer;
Click the ESPFlashDownloadTool_v3.4.4.exe to install the tools
Pop up a window as shown:
Copy the store address of the file name Doit_Nodemcu_Car_20160115.bin to download Path Config. And fill 0x00000 on the box as shown.
Such as: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\Doit_Nodemcu_Car_20160115.bin
Note :
Before click the start to burn the fireware , Push FLASH button in ESP8266 NodeMCU , then Push RESET button. Hold both button for one or two seconds and release them at the same time. Now the NodeMCU enters into burning mode.
100% Write
Step 4: Open your phone wifi
Choose the Doit_xxx wifi hotspot
Open on your phone browser, then fill in the router wifi name and password to modified the ESPduino Setting
Connect the cables of car motor and power box with ESP8266 wifi expansion board as shown.
The circuit graph of car motor
Step6: Open the Doit Car app, register a account and login, then you could use phone app to control the robot smart car to walk as per your needs.
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