KOOKYE Universal Starter Kits V2 for Arduino Beginner


KOOKYE Universal Starter Kits V2 for Arduino Beginner


The  basic Kit for Arduino is designed to achieve the goal, a quick start for beginners and to do experiments with advance embedded system for experience professionals. Much like the Osoyoo Basic Kit before it — but better! Bridging the gap between the “real life” and your computer, the Osoyoo Advanced Kit for Arduino takes you further into the world of physical computing. The Advanced Kit has more components and sensors you need to play compared with the Basic Kit. You’ll experience what the tens of thousands of engineers, designers, artists and hobbyists already know about this awesome and educational prototyping platform.

With this kit ,we will take you from knowing to utilizing ,you are able to do more experiment , get your more idea into real action without the restriction of hardware and software.

KOOKYE Universal Starter Kits for NodeMCU IoT and Arduino Beginner

This Arduino Starter Kit is a very good do-and-learn package for starter to study MCU(microcontroller unit) programming. With this Starter Kit, you are able to do and learn many Arduino lab project such as imitating pedestrian traffic light with button and LEDs, displaying text string with Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) and using Potentiometer to control servo motor, etc.

Also you can learn the basic concepts of buttons, resistors, sensors,IR remote control and receivers, how to use sensors to detect environment(i.e light, temperature), and how to use 74HC595 Shifting Register IC to extend Arduino Digital Ports.

Every project in this starter kit has detailed circuit graph, step-by-step tutorial and fully-tested Arduino sample codes which can save lots of your research time and speed up your learning progress.

After you finishes all the projects in this kit, you are no more a beginner! You become an intermediate Arduino player!

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Simple Tutorials:

P1: Flashing LEDs TUTORIAL
P2: Using photoresistor to detect light TUTORIAL
P3: Use potentiometer to control a servo TUTORIAL
P4: Decode IR Controller with IR Receiver TUTORIAL
P5: TMP36 temperature sensor project TUTORIAL
P6: Control traffic lights with a push button TUTORIAL
P7: Tilt Sensor Test Project TUTORIAL
P8: 16×2 I2C LiquidCrystal Display(LCD) TUTORIAL
P9: Serial to Parallel Shifting-Out with a 74HC595 TUTORIAL
P10:Display 4-digit numbers on a 5643 Dixie LED tube TUTORIAL
P11:Display 1-digit 0 to 9 in 7-seg Nixie LED Tube TUTORIAL
P12:Project to Test BYJ48 Stepper Motor TUTORIAL
P13:Use potentiometer to control a servo TUTORIAL
P14:Test Piezo Buzzer TUTORIAL
P15:How to read resistor color code TUTORIAL
P16:Use DHT11 detect the temperature and humidity TUTORIAL
P17:Ultrasonic distance sensor project TUTORIAL
P18:Dot matrix LED display project TUTORIAL
P19:Infrared obstacle avoidance test TUTORIAL

Package Included:

  • Pictures Content
  • UNO R3 1* UNO R3 Board and cable(fully compatible with Arduino UNO R3)
  • led light 24* LED(6*white, 6*Red, 6*Yellow, 6*Green)
  • DKST100100-4-Digit led 1* 4-Digit 7 segment LED display
  • DKST100100-1-Digit led 1* 1-Digit 7 segment LED display
  • Photoressitor 3* Photoressitor (Light sensor)
  • Potentionmeter 1* Potentionmeter(10k adjustable resistor)
  • 74HC595 Shifting register 1* 74HC595 Shifting register
  • I2c display 1* I2c display(16*2)
  • Stepper Motor+Bridge 1* Stepper Motor+Bridge
  • Piezo Buzzer 1* Piezo Buzzer
  • SG90 1* SG90 servo motor
  • Tilt Sensor(SW-520D) 1* Tilt Sensor(SW-520D)
  • DHT11 Humidity sensor 1* DHT11 Humidity sensor
  • DKST100100-TMP36 1* Temperature sensor TMP36
  • HC-SR04 1* Ultrasonic module HC-SR04
  • Obstacle avoidance 1* Obstacle avoidance sensor
  • Infrared remote 1* Infrared remote controller and receiver
  • Push buttons 5* Push buttons
  • Acrylic base 1* Acrylic base plate
  • breadboard 1* Solderless prototype breadboard
  • Resistors Resistors:
    15* Resistors(200 ohm)
    15* Resistors(470 ohm)
    15* Resistors(10K ohm)
  • jump wire Jumper Wires:
    40* 12cm male-male jumper
    15* 15cm male-male jumper
    5* 20cm & 25cm male-male jumper
    8* 20cm female-female jumper

Arduino is the largest open-source hardware platform in the world and offers infinite possibilities on what you can achieve using simple microcontroller-based products. Learning how to program using the Arduino platform is a never-ending process. New hardware is designed and unveiled to the market every day, but the good thing is that the basics remain the same.

The Arduino has the best features over any other microcontroller. See a few below:

  • Programming is straightforward.
  • USB cable is used directly.
  • Whether your electronics or robotics project is easy or complex, you can make it quick and efficient with Arduino
  • It can be run from a 5v battery.
  • The Arduino IDE software is easy to understand.
  • The code will be uploaded easily with a basic understanding of C programming language.

This kit includes a selection of the most common and useful electronic components as below list. The Main board included in the Kit is the UNO board, which is totally compatible with Arduino UNO R3. It uses the best quality of material but sells in a much lower price. The Osoyoo UNO board you received is fully tested with preloaded firmware.With the help of this kit combo you can design 13 different projects as per the below mention list.

In addition to a complete set of hardware components the kit has a DVD provide detailed tutorials that you can follow. Starting with some simple LED projects and then moving on to more complicated projects using different modules and sensors, this kit aims to teach users about basic electronics theory, physical computing and how to use Arduino.They come with detailed explanations of the components involved in the projects, fritzing diagrams of the hardware connections and sample codes. The projects progress from the easiest beginner-level tutorials to more complex tutorials for advanced users. These tutorials as well as online tutorials available on the Osoyoo website and blogs will provide you with enough material for your learning needs. After you are done with the tutorials, you should be able to make your own projects using the different components the kit has.

Arduino Lessons Content List:

Arduino Lesson 1
What is Arduino?

Arduino Lesson 2
Osoyoo UNO Board

Arduino Lesson 3
Download and Install Arduino IDE
Arduino Lesson 4
What is a Sketch and how does it work?
Arduino Lesson 5
How to Install Additional Arduino Libraries
Arduino Lesson 6
Hello World
Arduino Lesson 7
Arduino Lesson 8
Arduino Lesson 9
Eight of Flowing Water Light
Arduino Lesson 10
PWM Control LED Brightness(Breathing Light)

Arduino Lesson 11

Arduino Lesson 12
Arduino Lesson 13

Arduino Lesson 14

Arduino Lesson 15
The Serial Monitor

Arduino Lesson 16
I2C LCD1602 Display

Arduino Lesson 17

Arduino Lesson 18
One Digit 7-Segment LED Display

Arduino Lesson 19
4 Digit 7 Segment LED Display

Arduino Lesson 20

Arduino Lesson 21
SW-520D Tilt Sensor

Arduino Lesson 22

Arduino Lesson 23
74HC595 with one digit 7-segment led display

Arduino Lesson 24
Digital Dice

Arduino Lesson 25
Traffic Light Controller

Arduino Lesson 26
IR RemoteControl

Arduino Lesson 27
Stepper Motor

Arduino Lesson 28
Stepper Speed Control

Arduino Lesson 29

Arduino Lesson 30
8×8 LED Matrix

Arduino Lesson 31
DHT11 Sensor

Arduino Lesson 32
555 Timer IC

Arduino Lesson 33
2-Channel Relay Module

Arduino Lesson 34
Sound Detection Sensor

Arduino Lesson 35
Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04

Arduino Lesson 36
PIR Motion Sensor

We provide the above lessons for now. More lessons will be added in the future.
Last but not the least, work out what you will be doing with your kit and what things you already have. Make a list of the things you will need and how you will design your project. This is one of the most important considerations while choosing the best Osoyoo starter kit.

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